past events highlights 

  • Annual NYE Workshop (December 2023 at Incredipole, NY): Reflect on the year that has passed, acknowledge present, and invite the new year

  • Reconnected (March 2023 at Vertical Fusion, CO): A somatic experiential movement journey weekend intensive co-facilitated with Tracee Kafer.

  • Unstructured Salon (July 2022 at Incredipole, NY): First prompt-based freestyle performance created by Anna, hosted by Roz the Diva.

  • Annual NYE Workshop (December 2023 at Incredipole, NY): Reflect on the year that has passed, acknowledge present, and invite the new year

  • Inner Landscapes (June 2022 at Pole Coven Victoria, BC): Unstructured weekend intensive embodying artistic inner wealth.

  • Permission To Be (May 2022 at Dakini, NJ): Half-day intensive creating dialogue with our bodies and self through freestyle.

  • Connection Workshop (March 2022 at Incredipole, NY): Finding ways to connect to our fullest self, as well as to to others, our dreams and desires.

  • Giving Thanks Workshop (November 2021, Online): Embody what we are thankful for.

  • Nourish Series (January 2022 at Full Circle, NY): Cultivate compassion to ourselves inside and outside studio.

  • Permission To Be Series (January, 2021 Online): Fostering creativity back into our lives.

  • What We Knead Series (January, 2021 Online): Navigating and befriending emotions, sensations and feelings.

  • CLIMB Series (March, 2018 at Incredipole, NY): Developing resilience and relationship to resilience



I’ve hosted my two signature contemporary pole workshops since 2012:

  • “Storytelling”

  • Contemporary Pole Partnering

  • Adoptee Healing Arts Retreat for TRAs (November, 2023 at Balance Arts Center/AAWW, NY)

  • From Pebbles to Pearls Workshop (November, 2022, Online for Adoption Knowledge Affiliates virtual conference): “Connect, Express, Breathe” in collaboration with Sara Easterly and Shae Lee

  • Weekly Social Healing (July 2022, Online 4-wk Series)

  • Assimilation in the Transracial Adoptee Body (June 2022, Online Workshop): BIPOC adoptees

  • Grief in the Adoptee Body (May 2022, Online Workshop)

  • Belonging in the Adoptee Body (April 2022, Online Workshop)

  • Resilience in the Adoptee Body (March 2022, Online Workshop)

  • Resilience in the Adoptee Body (January 2022 hosted by Also-Known-As, NY)

Adoptees Only